Pragyan Rover Lite - A Tribute to ISRO's Chandrayaan 3 Mission | Firoziyash | Yash Kumar Ghaziabad

Project Title: Pragyan Rover Lite

Firoziyash Pragyan Rover Lite


Inspired by the remarkable achievements of the Chandrayaan 3 mission, particularly the Pragyan Rover's mission to the lunar south pole, we proudly present "Pragyan Rover Lite." This project embodies the spirit of scientific exploration and technological advancement that has been the hallmark of India's space endeavors.

Chandrayaan 3 and Pragyan Rover:
In 2023, the Chandrayaan 3 mission marked a significant milestone in India's space exploration journey. The mission's primary objective was to safely land a rover on the lunar south pole, a region of immense scientific interest. The rover, aptly named "Pragyan," meaning 'wisdom' in Sanskrit, was designed to conduct in-situ experiments, analyze lunar soil, and contribute to our understanding of the Moon's composition and geology.

Pragyan Rover Lite - A Tribute:
Our project, "Pragyan Rover Lite," pays tribute to the ingenuity and ambition behind the Chandrayaan 3 mission. While it is a scaled-down model, it captures the essence of scientific curiosity and innovation. Through this project, we aim to showcase the capabilities of technology, particularly Arduino-based robotics, in simulating lunar exploration.

Key Objectives:
- Demonstrate obstacle avoidance, mirroring the rover's capability to navigate rough lunar terrain.
- Provide real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity, akin to Pragyan's environmental sensors.
- Simulate the search for water with a moisture sensor, reflecting Pragyan's mission to detect water ice on the Moon.
- Implement a solar tracking system to optimize energy generation, emulating the rover's need to harness solar power.

Pragyan Rover Lite

"Pragyan Rover Lite" serves as a testament to the achievements of the Chandrayaan 3 mission and the scientific curiosity that drives space exploration. It is a reminder of the remarkable strides made by India in the realm of space science and technology. Through this project, we aim to inspire others to join this exciting journey of discovery and innovation.

Feel free to explore the various features and components of "Pragyan Rover Lite" in the project file, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further information about this endeavor.

Great! You've listed the components, materials, and tools used in your "Pragyan Rover Lite" project. Here's an organized breakdown:

1. Arduino UNO
2. Ultrasonic Sensor
3. Motor Driver
4. Breadboard
5. Jumper Wires
6. Regular Wires
7. LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes)
8. Soil Moisture Sensor
9. DHT11 Sensor
10. Switches
11. Solar Panels
12. Servo Motors
13. Lithium Batteries

1. Tapes (e.g., electrical tape)
2. Glue
3. Super Glue
4. Papers (for documentation or insulation)
5. Cardboard (for structural components)
6. Wood Frame
7. Nails (for securing wooden components)
8. Double-Sided Tape (for attaching components)

Tools and Equipment:

1. Soldering Iron (for soldering electrical connections)
2. Hot Glue Gun (for securing components)
3. Screwdriver (for assembling and disassembling)
4. Hammer (for working with nails)

Programming and Control:
- Android Mobile (for running control applications)
- Data Cable (for connecting Arduino UNO to the mobile device for programming and control)

This comprehensive list covers everything from electronic components to materials for the rover's structural elements and the tools necessary for assembly and maintenance. It's important to have a well-organized list like this when working on a project, as it ensures you have all the required components and tools at your disposal.

Working Principle of Pragyan Rover Lite:

The "Pragyan Rover Lite" operates on a sophisticated yet user-friendly system designed to replicate key features of a lunar rover, in tribute to the Chandrayaan 3 mission. Here is a breakdown of its working principle:

1. Obstacle Avoidance using Ultrasonic Sensor:
   - The ultrasonic sensor emits high-frequency sound waves, which bounce off objects and return as echoes.
   - By measuring the time taken for the echo to return, the rover calculates distances to obstacles in its path.
   - Based on this data, the Arduino UNO processes commands to maneuver the rover, ensuring safe navigation by avoiding obstacles.

2. Environmental Monitoring with DHT11 Sensor:
   - The DHT11 sensor continuously senses ambient temperature and humidity.
   - The collected data is displayed in real-time on the rover's interface, mirroring the Pragyan rover's ability to monitor lunar environmental conditions.

3. Moisture Detection with Soil Moisture Sensor:
   - The soil moisture sensor is embedded in the lunar soil simulation.
   - It measures soil moisture levels and visually indicates the presence of water, simulating the Pragyan rover's search for water ice on the Moon.

4. Solar Tracking System for Energy Optimization:
   - The solar tracking system consists of servo motors and solar panels.
   - The system constantly adjusts the solar panels' orientation to follow the sun's path, ensuring optimal exposure and energy generation, much like the Pragyan rover's reliance on solar power.

5. Control and Programming via Android Mobile:
   - The Arduino UNO is programmed to accept control commands via an Android mobile device.
   - The mobile device communicates with the rover through the data cable, allowing users to direct its movements and receive real-time data updates.

6. Structural Components and Materials:
   - The rover's structural components are made from cardboard, wood frames, and other materials, creating a durable and lightweight chassis.
   - Components are secured using a combination of glue, super glue, nails, and double-sided tape.

The working principle of "Pragyan Rover Lite" encompasses the integration of sensors, control systems, and structural elements, with a focus on emulating key features of the Pragyan rover in a scaled-down model. This project is a testament to the technological capabilities and scientific curiosity that drive space exploration and robotics.

Pragyan Rover Lite Firoziyash


"Pragyan Rover Lite" is a testament to the spirit of scientific exploration, technological innovation, and India's remarkable achievements in space exploration, as inspired by the Chandrayaan 3 mission. This project successfully emulates several critical features of the Pragyan rover, highlighting its significance in space exploration and robotics.

Key Features:
- Obstacle Avoidance: The ultrasonic sensor enables safe navigation by avoiding obstacles, mirroring the rover's capability to traverse challenging lunar terrains.
- Environmental Monitoring: With the DHT11 sensor, the rover monitors temperature and humidity, providing valuable insights into the lunar environment.
- Water Search: The moisture sensor allows for the detection of water in lunar soil, replicating Pragyan's mission to find water ice.
- Energy Optimization: The solar tracking system optimizes energy generation, reflecting the rover's reliance on solar power for sustained operation.

Significance in Space Exploration and Robotics:
- Educational Inspiration: "Pragyan Rover Lite" serves as an educational tool to inspire students and enthusiasts to engage with space exploration and robotics, fostering an interest in STEM fields.
- Technological Showpiece: The project showcases the practical application of Arduino-based robotics and sensor technology in replicating lunar exploration capabilities.
- Scientific Curiosity: By emulating the Pragyan rover's functionalities, the project encourages scientific curiosity and the exploration of the lunar environment.

In conclusion, "Pragyan Rover Lite" encapsulates the spirit of space exploration and underscores the significance of technological advancements in robotics. This project stands as a tribute to India's space endeavors and the continuous quest for knowledge about our universe. It is a testament to the achievements of Chandrayaan 3 and the potential for innovation in space exploration.


While working on the "Pragyan Rover Lite" project, the following resources, research, and documentation were consulted and used to gain insights and knowledge:

1. Arduino Official Documentation: Official documentation and tutorials provided by Arduino for understanding the platform and its capabilities.

2. Sensor Datasheets: Specific datasheets for the ultrasonic sensor, DHT11 sensor, and moisture sensor to understand their technical specifications and usage.

3. DIY Robotics and Space Exploration Websites: Various online resources, forums, and DIY robotics websites were referenced for guidance on creating obstacle avoidance systems, environmental sensors, and solar tracking mechanisms.

4. Chandrayaan 3 Mission Documentation: Information about the Chandrayaan 3 mission, especially the Pragyan rover's objectives and features, was studied for inspiration.

5. Arduino Programming Guides: Resources on programming Arduino boards for sensor integration, data collection, and control mechanisms.

6. Educational Robotics Materials: Materials related to educational robotics and space exploration for inspiration and knowledge.

7. Technical Manuals and Textbooks: Relevant technical manuals and textbooks covering topics related to robotics, sensors, and solar tracking systems.

8. Online Communities: Engagement with online communities, forums, and discussions to seek advice, share progress, and resolve technical issues related to the project.

9. Chat GPT: A special acknowledgment to Chat GPT, which offered invaluable guidance, information, and support throughout the project's development.

These references played a crucial role in understanding the technology, principles, and components used in the project. They were valuable resources for the successful execution of the "Pragyan Rover Lite" project

Yash Kumar aka Firoziyash


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